09 April 2009

IMechE Malaysia Annual Dinner 2009 Report

On 7th April 2009, IMechE Malaysia had its annual dinner at the Royal Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur. The total number of attendees were around 80 people. IMechE UNITEN student chapter sent 14 students and Dr Ramesh Singh was present with his wife as well making us one of the biggest contingents. IMechE Monash University was represented by their president and IMechE Nottingham University sent around 8 students. The dinner started at 7.30pm right after Prof. William Banks arrived. Prof Banks went to every table, greeted everyone of us and was surprised to see so many representatives from our student chapter. He had previously met a few of us during his visit to UNITEN on 6th April 2009. Towards the end of the dinner, Prof Banks, IMechE Malaysia's President, Ir. Chong, IMechE Malaysia's former President, Mr Matthew Thomas gave a speech each. Prof Banks mentioned that he was impressed with our student chapter's activities and encouraged us to keep up with the good job.

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