02 June 2008

The Story of IMechE - Past Presidents

IMechE Past Presidents

As of 2006, there has been 122 presidents of the Institution, who since 1922 have been elected annually for one year. The first president was George Stephenson, followed by his son Robert. Joseph Whitworth, John Penn and William Armstrong are the only persons to have served two terms. Pamela Liversidge in 1997-1998 was the first - and so far only - woman president.

Past presidents include:

(Click thumbnail to enlarge the picture)

Here are some of the Past Presidents (Images from : www.imeche.org)

George Stephenson (1781-1848)

Robert Stephenson (1803-1859)

Sir William Fairbairn Bt (1789-1874)

Sir Joseph Whitworth (1803-1887)

Lord Armstrong (1810-1900)

Jeremiah Head (1835-1899)

Sir Alexander B W Kennedy (1847-1928)

Sir William Henry White (1845-1913)

Professor William Cawthorne Unwin (1838-1933)

Sir William Arthur Stanier (1876-1965)

George Horatio Nelson, First Baron Nelson of Stafford (1887-1962)

Professor Owen Saunders (1904-1993)

Vice-Admiral Sir Frank Trowbridge Mason (1900-1988)

Sir Bernard Crossland

Brian Kent

Andrew Ives

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