02 June 2008

IMechE Energy Supplement

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

May 2008

As you may know, the Institution has decided to focus many of its activities on four key themes (Energy, Education, Environment and Transport) with Q2 of 2008 being our energy quarter.

As a key part of this theme, IMechE has been working with the Independent newspaper on producing an energy supplement for this Saturday's edition. (If you miss Saturday's edition, we will have the supplement in PDF format on the IMechE website from Monday.)

The supplement will cover many of the issues surrounding energy supply and demand, and will give an insight into the many activities undertaken by engineers in this sector.

In addition to the supplement, IMechE has also been working with several hundred members on developing content, videos and imagery for a new IMechE energy portal. Stage one of the portal will go live tomorrow morning with stages 2 and 3 completed by 15 June. We also plan to have an 'opinion' forum built in June which will enable the public to read, and comment, on the views of professional engineers working within the energy sector. Your input and support for this online debate would be greatly appreciated.

The purpose of the portal is to provide the public with information on energy demand and supply and try to answer many of the questions which are commonly raised by the media and government. It has the additional task of demonstrating that engineers really are the key to solving many of the issues we have today and will help achieve our vision of 'improving the world through engineering'. The portal can be found at www.imeche.org/energy from this Saturday.

Finally, I would like to thank all the members who have assisted us with this supplement and portal. It is, without question, your assistance that has made this possible. As always, we welcome any additional content or comment.

Yours truly,

Richard Campbell
Communications Manager

2006 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMechE is a UK registered charity number 206882

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