25 November 2011

November Newsletter

Institution of Mechanical engineers
 Agenda newsletter

25 November 2011


Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2011: meet the winners

The Institution identified the UK’s top ten manufacturers at its prestigious Manufacturing Excellence Awards held in the Dorchester hotel in London on 23 November; Stephen Tetlow, Chief Executive of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers commented: "The success of these companies is encouraging for UK manufacturing as a whole."
Scottish Energy 2020 

Scottish Energy 2020?
A target too far?

The Institution reviews the Scottish Government’s declaration that by 2020, 20% of the total Scottish energy demand would be met from renewable resources.
Population Challenge winners 

Nigerian engineers win 
global Population Challenge

Young Nigerian engineers won the first Population Challenge at the House of Commons by considering how to deal with Nigeria’s growing food crisis.
Apprentice Challenge 

Life is no drag
for Apprentice Challenge winners

Top young UK engineering talent raced mini drag-racers built entirely from scrap at the Apprentice Challenge at Duxford.

Supporting professional development 
at Jaguar Land Rover

The strong link between the Institution and Jaguar Land Rover has been further cemented by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

Professional Liability, exposures and duty of care:
do you know where you stand?

Having insufficient insurance could leave Institution members highly exposed. Jelf Professions want to help Institution members feel protected.

High achievements north of the border
CEO celebrates Scottish engineering

Stephen Tetlow recently visited Scottish colleges and companies to meet some of the Institution’s brightest engineering prospects.

Royal Marines sign up: 
serving engineers gain further links with Institution

The Institution’s excellent links with the armed forces continue thanks to the signing of a streamlined application process with the Royal Marines.

Presidential Visit to Loughborough
and Eastern successes

Celebrating a Presidential Visit to Loughborough and successes at universities and companies in the West Midlands, East of England and the North East.

From Brigitte Bardot’s curvy car to Thomas the Tank Engine: The latest Engineering Heritage Awards

The ‘most beautiful car ever made’, a cold war icon and the inspiration for Thomas the Tank Engine have just received Engineering Heritage Awards.

F1 engineers help search 
for design stars of the future

Students from schools and universities across England gathered for the finale of the Formula Student Schools event in Bedford.
 Events and training 

The McNulty Report: Engineering solutions

6 December 2011 | London, UK
This seminar examines the engineering response - find out exactly how the proposals affect you, and how they can make the industry as a whole more profitable.

Incontinence: The Engineering Challenge VIII

07-08 December 2011 | London, UK
This seminar is the key European meeting in this area, and brings engineers, clinicians, researchers, commercial designers and producers, nurses, carers and users together, to examine existing solutions and solve current problems.

Expert witness - excellence in report writing

7 December 2011 | London, UK
Reports are seen by many professionals during litigation and often new instructions are received from opposition lawyers for future cases.

Expert witness - courtroom skills

8 December 2011 | London, UK
In a landmark Supreme Court ruling this year expert witnesses lost their immunity from being sued for breach of duty.
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