17 March 2009

"Educated Engineers: The only basis for a Sustainable Society" by Professor Bill Banks

We are pleased to announce our talk on "Educated Engineers: The only basis for a Sustainable Society" to be presented by our President,Professor Bill Banks, on 6th April 2009.
Kindly note that this event shall be jointly hosted with Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Mechanical Engineering Technical Division).


Today, the world is facing a number of global issues surrounding climate change; from scarcity ofwater to finding new supplies of fossil to meet the ever increasing energy demands by nationssuch as India and China. To help resolve all these issues, the world requires engineers. To do this,we have to be prepared to inspire the next generation of students to see engineering as a worthyand exciting career path.Educated Engineers is the keynote speech from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’President, Professor Bill Banks, which aims to highlight the growing number of issues facing manynations around the world that seem to be experiencing a slowing of students willing to undertakeengineering. By using the UK as example, Professor Banks will outline the common issuesaffecting uptake of engineering and compare this with his own personal experience as a studentdeciding on a university course and his inspiration to undertake Mechanical Engineering at theUniversity of Strathclyde, Scotland. Professor Banks will also examine the relationships betweenacademia and industry, using his own consultancy experiences in the area of composite materialsto demonstrate how both sectors can effectively work together to achieve common goals.


Professor William M Banks is the 123rd President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers aswell as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the Royal Society ofEdinburgh. Bill brings a wealth of knowledge from over thirty years experience in education andacademia and is a past Chairman of the UK’s Engineering Professor Council. His work andresearch into composite materials has been widely recognised. Bill has also been the latestrecipient of the James Alfred Ewing Medal, assessed jointly by The Royal Society and theInstitution of Civil Engineers, for “Special Meritorious contributions to the science of engineering inthe field of research.”

The details can be found in the flyers below Please take note that the two flyers are advertising the same event. Just that one states that there will also be a session to meet the IMechE President, Professor William M Banks before the talk.

Note: Click on the images to view the larger image

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