On 22 February 2008, University Tenaga Nasional (Uniten) was honored by the presence of the

The event proceeded smoothly with Mr.Tan chairing the event. Mr.Mathew Thomas
explained various aspects of the institution namely the history, the location of the head office and the branch in Malaysia, the benefits of being a affiliated members as all of the students will be, the benefits of provided by the IMechE such as excess to the rich resource of information through the members only accessed online library and the privilege to attend various international competitions such as “Formula Student” along with the lucrative rewards which awaits each member. He also explained the path to gain recognition as a respected fellow or the corporate member of the Institution.

Mr. Mathew Thomas explaining about the Role of Professional Institution and registration with IMechE
The event closed at 5.00 pm with the souvenir presentation by our very own Dean of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Prof. Dr. Mohd Zamri Yusoff

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