10 November 2009

UMEC 2009

It gives us great pleasure to announce that IMECHE Student Chapter of Uni. Tenaga Nasional will be having our very first UNITEN Mechanical Engineering Competition 2009/10 (UMEC '09/10) from (19th February 2010 - 21st February 2010). So, calling all mechanical students from various government and private insitutes in Malaysia, sign up soon as possible if intrested as places are limited to 10 team's only. Entries will be considered at a first come first serve basis.
This competition will be held at University Tenaga Nasional (Putrajaya Campus). Among the main aim of the competition is to strengthen ties between mechanical engineering student from various government and private institutes in Malaysia.
For more info, please visit http://www.umec2009.webs.com/