15 September 2009

Visit of Engineering Society of MMU to UNITEN

Venue: BM-0-010 & Labs, College of Engineering
Date: 11th September 2009 (Friday)
Time: 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

By: Nicholas Ong

On the 11th of September 2009, the IMechE UNITEN Student Chapter collaborated with the Society of Ingénieurs (SIR), UNITEN IET Student Chapter, UNITEN ICE Student Chapter and the Engineering Society (ENGSOC) of Multimedia University (MMU) to organize a day filled of activities where ENGSOC visited UNITEN. The objectives of the event were to build friendship between the different engineering societies of UNITEN and MMU, and to have a discussion on different types of activities which have been and could be organized by all the engineering societies.

During this event, there were twenty one participants from MMU and twenty participants from UNITEN. The participants of ENGSOC arrived early on that day at 10.30 a.m. instead of the estimated time of arrival of 11.00 a.m. Once they arrived, they were taken around the campus in the bus for tour of the UNITEN Putrajaya campus. Where, the different facilities and colleges were shown to them. They were pretty impressed with the facilities and the size of UNITEN.

After that, we had the tour of the various labs of the College of Engineering. During this activity, the participants were broken into four groups consisting of both UNITEN and MMU participants. The UNITEN participants acted as guides in this activity. While visiting the labs, some of the experiments were also explained by the UNITEN students. This lasted till about 12.50 p.m. where we broke for lunch and our Muslim friends went off for their Friday prayers.

At 2.00 p.m. everybody gathered in the designated room which was BM-0-010 in the College of Engineering to continue the program flow. This was when the indoor activities started. The first thing that went on was the welcoming speeches by various representatives of the different engineering societies. Next, there were the ice breaking games. There were two games played; one was organized by the event committee of UNITEN and another was organized by the event committee of MMU. From these games we got to know each other better and at the same time had a good time.

The next indoor activity was the presentation of the various engineering societies which were present on that day. Each engineering society presented their past and upcoming activities with the aid of power point slides and videos. It was a good session where we were able to gain new ideas on what activities to organize in the future as we learnt what activities ENGSOC had previously organized such as the Auto Show. The presentations dragged on longer as expected and at the end of it we were short on time so we did not have the opportunity to have the discussions.

The event was officially over at 5.00 p.m. at which after we had the photography session. Also while waiting for the MMU’s bus to arrive, we mingled more and got to know each other even better.

In short, the event was a success with all of us from the different engineering societies being able to get together and know each other better. Other than that, we were able to gain new ideas on what types of activities which we could possibly organize in the future.

Safety At Workplace Talk

Venue: BM Theatre, College of Engineering
Date: 11th September 2009 (Friday)
Time: 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

By: Lee Hao Yong

IMechE Uniten Student Chapter has successfully organized its talk series which was entitled “An Introduction of Workplace Safety”. We were fortunate enough to have Dr. Satesh Namasivayam who is currently the Business Manager of BiPa Consulting to share with us his experiences regarding Workplace Safety.

The main purpose of the talk was to create awareness among the students of the importance of the workplace safety. This is so that we will not get injured due to our very own negligence. The talk also has other several significant objectives which includes improving the safety of the working environment through the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazardous conditions, reducing the numbers and severity of injuries to faculty, students, and staff through training and implementation of safe work practices.

Dr. Satesh Namasivayam presented his speech to us through a number of slides. In the slides, we saw many people who were not careful and took no action to take care of their safety in their own workplaces. This may cause injuries to be inflicted to themselves and even worse to their co-workers. Dr. Satesh Namasivayam also explained to us some of the basic hazard categories such as physical, electrical, chemical ergonomic, psychological, radiation, and biological. In addition to that, he explained a few ways to improve the workplace safety such as conducting safety trainings for staff, management and students on the a few topics such as electrical safety, slips and falls, back care, computer workstations ergonomics, and safe maintenance practices.
Besides that, Dr. Satesh Namasivayam also did not forget to tell us that a well-designed workspace allows each employee to work comfortably without needing to overextend, use awkward postures, sit or stand too long. On other occasions, the equipment may be satisfactory but the task could be redesigned for safety at work under standard of operations.

The talk ended at 4 p.m. sharp and Dr. Satesh Namasivayam together with the other guests were invited for some light refreshments. All in all, the event was a success with a huge turn up and the students had a good time while gaining valuable information which might one day save them from possible injuries.

01 September 2009

Pro Engineer Wildfire Workshop

Venue: BL-2-002 (CFD Lab), College of Engineering

Date: 22nd August 2009 (Saturday)

Time: 10.00 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.

By: Tilibban Vasu

On the 22nd of August, the IMechE Student Chapter organized its first ever workshop on creating mechanisms using Pro/E software. The workshop was held in BL-2-002, the CAD lab in College of Engineering. This workshop was conducted by none other than Mr. Hafiz Hassan from the Mechanical Department. The main purpose of this workshop was to introduce participants to creating animations using Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 software.

There were a total of 16 people who attended the workshop despite having 25 participants registering for the event. This was totally unexpected and disappointing as no prior notice was given by the participants who were absent. Attendance was taken and all those who were present signed on the attendance.

The workshop started at 10am. The workshop was kick-started by Mr. Hafiz briefing participants on what to expect from the workshop. In this session, he explained that this was just an introduction to modeling spatial mechanisms. After the briefing, he proceeded by giving some explanation on the degree of freedoms for spatial mechanisms. This part was very much tied to the Theory of Machines class which was a pre-requisite for the workshop.

Once we were done with the introductions, Mr. Hafiz showed a demo on how to assemble a mole gripper and to make it animate/move. He then provided the participants with some handouts. After completing the mole gripper mechanism, participants were encouraged to try assembling and animating a trench hoe mechanism. This proved to be a challenge as no tutorial was given for this exercise.

Participant continued to try assembling the mechanisms until around 1pm. As everyone had completed their mechanisms, it was decided to end the workshop. The workshop came to an end with the participants given some briefing on the future programs of IMechE UNITEN Student Chapter and the presenting of a souvenir to Mr. Hafiz for his time and effort.

The workshop came to an end at 1.15 pm. Overall; the workshop was a great success. The feedback given by the participants were overwhelming. They said that they have gained a lot from this workshop and were very much looking forward to applying it in their machine design process. Credit should be given to Mr. Hafiz for all his time and guidance as the workshop would have never been a success without his tutoring. Despite the attendance being poor, the event was a success and it is hoped that this would be an annual event.

You can refer to this link for the guide: http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/56107/ProE_Workshop_Handout.pdf