29 July 2009

IMechE UNITEN Student Chapter Mission & Vision

Our Mission:
We are committed to offer a huge variety of opportunities to IMechE UNITEN Student Chapter members and to encourage and support their involvement with Mechanical Engineering. Participation in engineering related events can often work developing competencies through:
  • Communicataion
  • Management and Leadership
  • Commitment to the Profession
In addition to this, there are the normal benefits of sharing best practice, gaining valuable experience and transferable skills and building on your Continual Professional Development.

Our Vision:
Improving the owrld through engineering
  • Developing Professional Engineers
  • Inspiring the Next Generation
  • To lead and promote professional engineering

28 July 2009

Cooling the Planet Competition

A team of students from the University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) represented Malaysia for the ‘Cooling the Planet’ competition final. This event took place at the IMeche‘s headquarters in London on the 5th March 2009. UNITEN team has made Malaysia and UNITEN proud by advancing into the final three teams in the mitigation category and was the only team outside UK who qualified the overall final of 6 teams.

The main objective of ‘Cooling the Planet’ competition are to find alternative solutions in reducing greenhouse gas levels and maintain the heat balance where global warming is a real threat in future. Teams of young engineers from around the world took part and presented practicable “geo-engineering” and “mitigation” solutions.

UNITEN’s team, comprising Dominic Hua Shi Hao (Leader), Lim See Beng, Ghokulesh Satkuna Nasan and Tan Pong Seng have made their presentation titled “Carbon capture and storage (CCS).” They did a great job providing solution in wide scope of context.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology that reduces the amount of CO2reaching the atmosphere by capturing the gas at the point of emission and transporting it to a suitable underground storage location (for example depleted oil and gas reservoirs) where it is sequestered permanently. Since the use of fossil fuels for power generation is widely regarded as inevitable for the foreseeable future, CCS technology is seen by many as offering a potentially significant contribution to mitigation.

Entry from Planet AECOM based at Faber Maunsell in London, UK won the ‘mitigation’ category and overall winner competition winner.

20 July 2009

Membership Talk and Ice Breaking

Here we go, the following event of the semester.
Come forward for this talk as it is held exclusively just for the new babies - a way of welcoming you'll to the family; but by all means, old members are welcome too. Don't miss it as we'll have an ice-breaking session. We would be glad to meet you'll and catch up.


Hey friends, we will be having a booth in the membership bazaar, so start your engines to come forward and get yourselves enrolled in UNITEN IMechE at booth number 15.
Attached below are further details you may refer to.

17 July 2009

Upcoming Events

Hey guys,welcome back!!!!

Holidays are over and the new semester begins. It must be a slight bumpy ride adjusting back to uni life after 3 months of break. Anyways fuss no further because the we have prepared an array of activites lined up just for you. Here are the upcoming events for this semester.

1. Membership Drive n Bazaar

2. Membership Talk and Ice Breaking Night

3. ProE Workshop

4. ProE Competition

5. Indutrial Visit to Canadian Aerospace Engineering (CAE)

6. Lecture on the Oil & Gas Industry

There we go, all the events that are set to charge you up this semester. Do join us and gain a good learning and fun filled experience in the world of mechanical engineering. Looking forward to meet senior members and not forgetting our junior members. Please do sign up at our membership drive to become an IMechE member if you are not one yet. Hope to see you guys soon and good luck..